Friday, July 31, 2009

Designing Your Marketing Program

Adapted From: Marketing Kit for Dummies, 2nd Edition

A marketing program is a coordinated, thoughtfully designed set of activities that help you achieve your marketing objectives. Your marketing objectives are strategic sales goals that fit your strengths and are a good way to stretch your business in its current situation. In order to build strong customer relationships and maximize your sales, you need to put every possible marketing tool to work for you.

Read info here

Free Affiliate Marketing Ecourse

Provided by Rhonda White

Affiliate marketing is simply referring products and services to others while earning a commission on all your referrred sales Affiliate marketers do not worry about shipping and handling or customer service hassles. You can also use affiliate marketing to supplement any current business.

Grab this FREE eCourse here

37 Business & Marketing Lessons Learned In The School of Hard Knocks

By Edward "Mr Ed" Thorpe

Read his list here

The Magic Marketing Word - FREE

by Nathan Hulls

Whether you’re in denial and like to think that you’re not effected by this Magic Marketing Word, one of the most powerful marketing strategies which has even become a business model is the ‘Free’ marketing strategy. For a long time marketers online and offline have used a Free offer as a hook to get people into the store, trying their product for a limited time, or subscribed to a list.

Read his blog post here

Email Marketing Tips - 10 Terms You Should Know

Just like any other marketing, email marketing is a world in itself and has various terms, acronyms and abbreviations that you should know before talking to other email marketing professionals.

Read list here

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Internet Marketing 101: What is cost per action marketing?

by Robert Dick

Cost Per Action (CPA) Internet marketing is an Internet advertising pricing structure, where the advertiser pays for a specific action linked to an advertisement. These actions can range from a form submission, enrollment in a newsletter or the actual purchasing of a product.

Read more here

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How to B.R.A.N.D. Your Business

by Kim Beasley

What have you done lately to help your business brand become a “household” name? Have you been actively marketing via different social media websites? Or have you been using print or magazine advertising? Regardless of what you have been using, I want to provide a few tips to help you B.R.A.N.D. your business.

Read article & view video here

4 Part Teleseminar - StreetSmart Marketing

by Kathleen Gage

Stop by to read more details on this rewarding opportunity.... Scroll down towards bottom for sign up!

View details and sign up here

5 Strategies for Maximizing Search and Email Marketing

By Ram Krishnamurthy and Brad Neelan

In today’s challenging economic environment, marketers and advertisers are looking at different ways to maximize the return on their marketing and advertising spend. Due to the emphasis on ROI, more companies will be using a direct response channel like email marketing and search marketing to drive measurable results in 2009 and beyond.

Read article here

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Social Bookmarking And Your Marketing

Unlike the bookmarking sites of old, today’s sites allow people to openly share their bookmarks which is where the ’social’ bookmarking comes in. People can build their own lists that exist as a web page and others can come view the page. But what’s so exciting about that? For one, people can discover websites without searching. Searching as you well know is one of the most used methods for discovering information and websites but it does have it’s problems.

Read this article here

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Strategy & Leadership Articles

Compiled list of at least 9 pages that cover a wide variety leadership, team building, etc topics.

View main page here

5 Blogs That Can Help Your Sales

By Nigel Edelshain

When you are busy finding prospects and making sales, it is difficult to find the time to network with peers or learn new techniques. If you only have a few minutes to spare, check out these five blogs for useful, quick tips.

Read article here

"Stealth Marketing" 3 Part eCourse Series

Provided by Dr. Noel Swanson

The Internet is the "Information Highway". Folks are logging onto the Internet to look for information -- plain and simple. It's your job to provide them with this information if you're going to have any success online. I just cannot stress enough the importance and the overall benefits you'll receive from being able to create some quality, entertaining articles (and content) on your own so...Just do it!

View Lesson 1 -

How To Submit Your Articles To Article Banks, Ezine Directories And Publishers To Grab Immediate Traffic To Your Website. Before you pitch your articles to anyone, you must read their guidelines carefully! Failing to follow the set guidelines for posting/submitting your article will usually end with straight out rejection.

View Lesson 2 -

In today's lesson, we're going to talk a little bit more about the sheer power of quality content and article submission. Plus, I'm going to give you a list of resources that you'll never want to be without. These resources are the "creme-de-la-creme" for submitting your articles across the Internet. In addition, I'm going to give you an example of a well-crafted email that you'll want to pay close attention to for your own use when contacting ezine publishers to request your articles be included in their ezine.

View Lesson 3 -

Best and Worst Practices Social Media Marketing

by Lee Odden

Great visual charts, creative input on the growing trend of Social Media and how it effects the marketing practices of emerging companies, sales and growth.

Read his article here

Monday, July 13, 2009

Write a Marketing Plan

[Sample Plan Idea]

by Leslie Godwin, MFCC

How to Successfully Market a Service or Other Niche Business, and Enjoy the Process... Do you need to write or revise your marketing plan? Before the holiday season is an ideal time for most of us to plan for the year to come.

Read article here

10 Tips for Winning Sales

by Jill Konrath

Several good ideas on how to pull in customers and create profitable sales!

Read her tips here

Business Management Library

Reource -> Management

Explore over 3,000 business management articles, white papers and case studies addressing Performance Management, Financial Management, Business Intelligence, IT management, and other critical business management issues.

Click here to view resource

What Is Marketing?

Brought to you by Morning Star Multimedia

The foundation for any business is a steady stream of customers and clients who will pay you for your products and services. Customers and clients equal cash flow, and cash flow is what keeps your business alive. So how do you find people willing to buy what you are selling? The answer is marketing. Marketing is more than just advertising or selling. It is everything you do to get and keep clients.

Read article here

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Leadership Mythology

by Gregory P. Smith

Leadership is about getting things done and helping people reach their potential. Unfortunately, many organizations do a pitiful job helping people reach their potential. One reason for this is old-fashioned, out-dated leadership concepts. Here are five leadership myths that could be holding your company back...

Read article here

Marketing Conversations and Conversation Stoppers

by Nina Ham

Where many marketing conversations get off-track are the ones you have with yourself, before you even pick up the phone or initiate the handshake. As independent professionals, usually at the helm of solo businesses, we sometimes find ourselves facing daunting internal obstacles as we try to begin our day’s marketing activity.

Read article here

3 Part Tutorial on Click Thru Marketing....

"No-Hype Click Thru Marketing System"
Copyright © 2001-2004 - Dan Moses

"So what is Click Thru Marketing, you ask?
Click Thru Marketing: Marketing a service or product over the Internet to generate visitors to view your web page by way of click exchange programs.

The concept of click thru marketing is very simple. There are sites on the Internet, called click thru programs. People join these click thru programs and become part of what I like to call a click thru "community."

Continue reading Part I here

"What is a Conversion Rate?
Before I can go any further I need to make sure you have a firm understanding of what a Conversion Rate is.

Conversion Rate: The single most important piece of information that you can track."

Continuing readind Part II here

Quick Review: What have we covered so far?
1. Click Thru Marketing
2. Targeted traffic and why is it so important.
3. We discovered that it's possible to generate thousands of residual traffic hits.
4. What is a Conversion Rate?
5. We discussed what Click Thru Programs are the best and why.

Next, we will be covering these questions...
-What tool should I use to stop pop-up windows? What is the best time to surf?
-How do I choose a quality click thru program?
-Which three Click Thru Programs combined will achieve the most traffic?

Finish reading this final part of this tutorial here

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Your Marketing Plan

by From Apryl Duncan, for

Think of how much advertising you run into every day. Magazine ads, television, some places you'll even find advertising in bathroom stalls! You must make a marketing difference. You need a strategy. You have to be distinct. So just how do you stand out from the competition? It's a long, well-thought out process. And it begins with your marketing plan.

Read her tips here

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creating a Powerful Sales Presentation

by Kelley Robertson

...The quality of your sales presentation will often determine whether a prospect buys from you or one of your competitors. However, experience has taught me that most presentations lack pizzazz and are seldom compelling enough to motivate the other person to make a buying decision.

Read article here

Turn Cold Leads Into Hot New Sales

by Janet Attard

....You get a request for product literature or a sample of your product and you send it within a day or so of getting the request. A week or two goes by and the prospect hasn't placed an order. What do you do next?....

Read article here

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Improve Your Marketing With Social Bookmarks

by Michael Fleischner

As an Internet marketing professional, I try to keep on top of new marketing avenues and opportunities for leveraging word-of-mouth. In recent years, the method by which individuals get their information has evolved and so have the tools for sharing information from one individual to another. Social bookmarking is now a popular method of communicating among younger audiences and is proving to be an effective marketing tool for increased exposure of products, services, and brands.

Read article here

8 No Cost Ways to Market Your Business

by Denise O'Berry

Are you trying to promote your business with a tiny marketing budget? Opportunities are plentiful for low or no cost marketing. Here are a few that won’t cost you a cent.

Read her tips here

Glossary of E-marketing terms

The ratio of visitors from a web site that are converted into a sale or a lead. For example, a conversion ratio of 5% means that for every 100 visitors to your site, 5 would click through and turn into a sale or a lead.

COOKIES - A small piece of code that identifies the customers computer and relates it to their past orders and information

KEYWORD - A word used in a search command.

KEYWORD ANALYSIS - Finding the right keywords for your products and services to optimize for search engines.

When a company or advertiser pays a search engine or affiliate site each time their ad is clicked by a prospect (otherwise known as click-through).

Crafting a site's content so that the site gets high rankings on a search engine.

Computer robot programs, referred to sometimes as "crawlers" or "knowledge-bots" that are used by search engines to roam the World Wide Web via the Internet, visit sites and databases, and keep the search engine database of web pages up to date.

A website that is well-indexed, i.e., appears on many search engines with a high ranking.

Provided by:
The NY Enterprise Report

How to Motivate Salespeople in a “No” Environment

by Jeff Goldberg

So, their question really becomes your question: “How in the world am I going to keep my salespeople motivated when the world is telling them they won’t (or can’t) buy?”...While times are tight for most everyone, people still need what you are selling. It is essential to motivate your sales staff to keep working to convince prospects and clients of that fact. However, it’s incredibly difficult to force anyone to do anything— unless you have the personality of the drill sergeant from the movie Full Metal Jacket or you’re a Mafia hit man.

Read article here

7 Steps To Guaranteeing Your E-mail Promotions Generate Clicks, Hits, and Sales

Thanks to e-mail, online business owners have the option of instant and repeated communication with an audience of potential clients and previous customers. Not that this is news to you. You're already well-aware that e-mail gives you the power to contact people again and again, promoting your products, your service, your web site, whatever you like… for FREE! Unfortunately, too often this power goes to the heads of newbie marketers. And this is where the trouble begins… and their business ends!

Read article here