Sunday, July 12, 2009

Leadership Mythology

by Gregory P. Smith

Leadership is about getting things done and helping people reach their potential. Unfortunately, many organizations do a pitiful job helping people reach their potential. One reason for this is old-fashioned, out-dated leadership concepts. Here are five leadership myths that could be holding your company back...

Read article here

Marketing Conversations and Conversation Stoppers

by Nina Ham

Where many marketing conversations get off-track are the ones you have with yourself, before you even pick up the phone or initiate the handshake. As independent professionals, usually at the helm of solo businesses, we sometimes find ourselves facing daunting internal obstacles as we try to begin our day’s marketing activity.

Read article here

3 Part Tutorial on Click Thru Marketing....

"No-Hype Click Thru Marketing System"
Copyright © 2001-2004 - Dan Moses

"So what is Click Thru Marketing, you ask?
Click Thru Marketing: Marketing a service or product over the Internet to generate visitors to view your web page by way of click exchange programs.

The concept of click thru marketing is very simple. There are sites on the Internet, called click thru programs. People join these click thru programs and become part of what I like to call a click thru "community."

Continue reading Part I here

"What is a Conversion Rate?
Before I can go any further I need to make sure you have a firm understanding of what a Conversion Rate is.

Conversion Rate: The single most important piece of information that you can track."

Continuing readind Part II here

Quick Review: What have we covered so far?
1. Click Thru Marketing
2. Targeted traffic and why is it so important.
3. We discovered that it's possible to generate thousands of residual traffic hits.
4. What is a Conversion Rate?
5. We discussed what Click Thru Programs are the best and why.

Next, we will be covering these questions...
-What tool should I use to stop pop-up windows? What is the best time to surf?
-How do I choose a quality click thru program?
-Which three Click Thru Programs combined will achieve the most traffic?

Finish reading this final part of this tutorial here