Krista Baker, President
Morningstar Multimedia LLC
1. Market to past clients.
Your customer list is your business' most-valuable asset. These people have already bought from you and already know, like, and trust you. They already know how you work, what you offer, and what you can do for them. And not only are they most likely to buy from you again, they are most likely to tell others about your services. So make it easy for them! Give people a story to talk about. Make your product or service so exceptional, they can't wait to tell their friends and family members because it's just so incredible they can't keep it to themselves.
2. Market to referral partners.
Think of all the types of businesses that also can do business with your customers and clients. What do your customers usually purchase before they hire you? What about after they hire you? You can't possibly offer everything they could ever want or need by yourself, so partner with other businesses to make it easy for you to refer your clients to other professionals who can also help them. They'll appreciate and reciprocate the referrals.
3. Prospecting with education-based materials.
In yesterday's tip, I mentioned creating education-based marketing materials that focus on offering solutions to your prospects' biggest problems and concerns. That means, the best way to grab someone's attention isn't to make the funniest ad you can, but to create something - a free guide, FAQ, special report, free analysis, audio CD, DVD, or book - that is so relevant to your prospects' current problems, concerns and fears that they say, "Wow, they read my mind. Maybe that guide really can help me."
When you educate your prospects about their problems, you show them you understand what they are going through and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You demonstrate how your products and services have helped others like them and educate them about what it takes to solve their problem. That's what sells your products and services.
Morningstar Multimedia
Two Penn Center, Ste 200
1500 JFK Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 854-6404
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The 3 Most Effective Marketing Tactics
Free Offer,
Marketing Tips,
Printed Material,